Wednesday, March 14, 2012


So I'm having issues with time management and focusing on projects to completion.  Painting the master bedroom furniture is taking more time than I thought. The fact that I'm sleeping on the floor is part of the reason I'm hoping it goes faster. I can't make paint dry faster, and I can't start anything else until it's done because it takes up so much space.  To say that I'm frustrated is an understatement. So, here is the list of things to be done before Allan comes home in two weeks:

1. Paint both dressers, headboard, and footboard. This is taking FOREVER between sanding and drying and painting a second coat.

2. Make the duvet cover. But first, get all the fabric and get it pinned together. This is not going to take time, but it WILL take space.

3. Make the curtains. Measure, cut, and pin the fabric so it's ready to go as soon as it's time. Again, the issue is space for this.

4. FIND a rug, then paint it. I never thought it would be so hard to find a stinking rug!

5. Order the vinyl cling. I'll just have to order it this week so it has time to get here.

6. Find three closet doors, get the photo blown up, then glue them to the doors to make a screen.

7. Find a chair!

As you can see, this stuff is mainly FINDING things, then taking care of it.  So much to do, and so little time to do it. I need to have the majority of this completed by next Wednesday so I have time to clean up the immense MEGA MESS I've created with all my projects!

So, now comes the most difficult aspect of this huge endeavor: paint, then while waiting for it to dry, go find the rug. Get the closet doors and picture done last since this take the least amount of time.  Oh, and clean up your stupid sewing room! You need the space to get the duvet and curtains done!

I hope this helps me to put things into perspective. The last items will be pillows. This will take time because I want to be specific with the fabric.  So check with me again next Monday. I hope to be further along than I am now!

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